Tuesday 29 April 2008

Flavours of shattered...

Today's recipe is tired, but feeling good with myself. Did Rivers running club today, which in reality has been Kveta and myself doing medium to long runs for the past 4 months, which has been good as we've pushed each other to keep the miles up. Today, for the first time, we had a new starter, and as a result when we went out got round just about 3 and a half miles in 50 minutes. To her credit she was obviously exhausted, but she kept going, and kept her sense of humour as well.

When we got back I'd not broken a sweat, so decided to go back out for a proper long run. Kveta had to go back on duty, so I ended up doing an 8 mile route, including a section along the Thames (complete with half a tonne of midge like biomass smacking me in the face) before heading up to do a lap of Prospect Park. its the longest run I've done since the half, and it felt pretty good. Now, 4 hours on, my legs don't ache, just a slight feeling of fatigue that lets me know they've worked.

If I want to improve at Roadrunners then I really need to take the initiative, and start doing the mileage again. I've been lax the last couple of months, and there is no excuse for it. The club can help me with speed and technique, but ultimately I need to make sure that I have the engine to support everything else. Long runs aren't hard, they just need the motivational kick in the arse to get out and do them...

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