Monday, 4 August 2008

Finishing touches

The rest of the bonus was spent this weekend pretty much. On Saturday we went round the various garden centres in and about Reading, and managed to hunt down some decent garden furniture. I've ended up with a large wooden table, 4 armchairs and a large blue parasol. Alongside that there is a blue charcoal barbecue (gas is cheating!), and covers for winter/bad weather. We also picked up a lawnmower, some lighting for the parasol, and a couple of nick-knacks (including the biggest drill bit you've ever seen, so that I could put some drainage holes in). We had the added bonus that the DIY centres scanner didn't seem to work properly, so some items were not picked up...ooh!

Saturday evening we had friends round for dinner, so I spent a couple of hours constructing everything, before doing a Nigella chicken (bacon and brandy, though I don't really think the brandy added much). The weather held off, so we were able to enjoy "drinks on the deck" before eating inside, and subjecting them to Carcassonne :-D Gill whipped up a dessert of yogurts, fruit and crunchie which went down a treat as well!

Sunday was a trip to Ikea...the weather on the way was miserable (I was on the bike, as we'd worked out that once we'd bought the bookcases Gill wanted there would be no space left for me in the car). Once there a short recharge on Swedish meatballs (which are delicious!), and then a wander round the show floor. I had only planned on getting a whiteboard, and maybe something for the bathroom, but also ended up getting some draws for my shelves, a counter-top lighting system for the kitchen, as well as some new cups, a couple of bins, and lots of ideas for another visit...oh dear.

Sunday evening was installing the lighting system. It's almost done, just need to drill a hole in a wall to put the power cable through, and its done. Looks great when its on, well chuffed with it!

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