Monday 7 July 2008

Long Day...

yesterday was a long day indeed. A long time ago I signed up to do the British London 10K. At the time I didn't consider what a 9.30 race time start turns out that it means getting up at 5am, being on a train at 20 past 6, and being in an immense throng of people for a couple of hours...

That said it was a really good race. There was no official timing, and as I knew there were going to be a lot of people I wasn't pushing myself for a fast time...instead I took a camera with me, and attempted in vain to take some shots of the sights. I ended up coming in at about 41 minutes and 20 seconds, which is pretty good, and I enjoyed the race more as I wasn't constantly worrying about how fast I should be going.

Of course, what you really want to do after an early start is plan a nice long day, full of things to do. So I did. First off I dragged Gill to Camden, and we wandered round for a couple of hours, without ever really finding anything we were looking for. Then we headed down to Covent Garden, took shelter against the elements in Starbucks for a bit, before heading to a restaurant I'd booked (Surprise!!). The food was delicious, and we took our time going through it, before heading off to the Ambassadors Theatre to see Stomp (Surprise!!), which is a stage show on there. its hard to describe as its not really a play, or a musical. It consists of 8, probably superhuman, people spending a couple of hours creating rhythms and beats out of lots of everyday items. It was extremely loud, and fantastically good. Not only that, it was done with a great blend of slapstick humour, and even some audience participation (mainly coupled with embarrassment that we couldn't clap out a simple pattern).

So a busy day...we were pretty lucky with the trains coming back, and just managed to catch Nadal beating Federer in the tennis, before collapsing asleep!

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